Guaranteed sunshine for a few days with our Happy Moments bouquet. It keeps on blossoming for up to 8 days and delights those who receive it with its bright colors. The bouquet can be perfectly styled with other New Zealand lilies, thank you roses, and Dutch tulips. This Gift Consists Of: Beautiful bouquet with 1 pink and white Stargazer lily, 2 wonderful cream colored roses, 2 pink carnations, 2 white germini, 2 pink chrysanthemums, pink gypsophila, 5 leather ferns, 7 pistochia and 6 salal. Diameter about 30cm.
This gift consists of:
Beautiful bouquet with 1 pink and white Stargazer lily, 2 wonderful cream colored roses, 2 pink carnations, 2 white germini, 2 pink chrysanthemums, pink gypsophila, 5 leather ferns, 7 pistochia and 6 salal. Diameter about 30cm