For connoisseurs, the presentation of their cigars is part of the enjoyment. PRESENT brings together the protective qualities of a regular humidor with the striking style of an end table. The humidor offers an interior consisting of four drawers made from a material similar to high-end humidors that maintains relative humidity at 70% year-round. It also includes a hygrometer and humidification system to help maintain the humidity level. This Gift Consists of: Gift box with 1 bottle of Barolo wine 1 bottle of Grappa de Prosecco 1 bar of Vanini dark chocolate 86% salty biscuits from Puglia.
This Gift Consists of:
Gift box with 1 bottle of Barolo wine 1 bottle of Grappa de Prosecco 1 bar of Vanini dark chocolate 86% salty biscuits from Puglia.