A perfect little basket to serve your friends with gourmet treats. This basket contains 500 ml apricot liqueur, 15% alc, 100 g Creperolles with Cheddar, France, 150 g peach-passion fruit almonds in a fine cream with yogurt flavor, 160 g egg liqueur balls with white chocolate. A nice little offering for a lovely day. Holidays and travel give you plenty of reasons to enjoy a tasty picnic. The black Gift Box Contains: 500 ml apricot liqueur, 15% alc. 100 g Creperolles with Cheddar, France 150 g peach-passion fruit almonds in a fine cream with yogurt flavor 160 g egg liqueur balls with white chocolate
The gift consists of:
500 ml apricot liqueur, 15% alc. 100 g Creperolles with Cheddar, France 150 g peach-passion fruit almonds in a fine cream with yogurt flavor 160 g egg liqueur balls with white chocolate