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Unmatched Elegance Of Roses and Carnations

Unmatched Elegance Of Roses and Carnations

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Earliest Delivery : 25th Feb, 25
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This striking bouquet of orange carnations, white roses, and orange roses is perfect for any celebration. This stunning bouquet is the perfect way to celebrate a special occasion or simply improve someones day. White and orange roses, symbols of purity and warmth, make a lovely combination. The softness of the roses is beautifully offset by the bright colour and varied texture of the orange carnations. Sending someone this gift will let them know how much they are loved and cared for. In sum, the combination of orange flowers, orange roses, and white roses is stunning. Its recipients will be blown away by the beautiful way the different colours and materials work together.

The Bouquet Consists Of:
• White Roses
• Orange Roses
• Orange Carnation
The Bouquet Consists Of:

• White Roses
• Orange Roses
• Orange Carnation

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